Your top 10 greatest tag teams of all time

1. D-Generation X- Shawn Michaels and Triple H... I don't even need to say anything else. 2. The Hardy Boys (98-01 ish)- I remember the epic battles they had with The Dudley Boys and Edge&Christian. I spent most of my younger days watching Matt and Jeff jump off of things, crash into things and flip.

Mine would have to be teams that I remember actually watching. Many teams like LOD, The Hart Foundation, and a lot of other hall of fame teams aren't on the list because they were in their prime before I started watching or I don't remember watching them. I'm not saying they aren't great, I just don't remember them, so i have no right to judge their greatness. They are legends, I'll leave it at that. So mine would have to be...

1. D-Generation X-
Shawn Michaels and Triple H... I don't even need to say anything else.

2. The Hardy Boys (98-01 ish)-
I remember the epic battles they had with The Dudley Boys and Edge&Christian. I spent most of my younger days watching Matt and Jeff jump off of things, crash into things and flip. To a youngster, it was the most excited thing to watch on TV.

3. The Dudleys (99-02 ish)-
One of the things I remember most about any tag team was the words "D-Von, get the tables!" Dudleys + Tables = Greatness. And no one was safe when the tables came into play. Men, Women and children could all be slammed through the table when The Dudleys got a hold of them. And anyone who has seen it knows how memorable the stare on Bubba Ray's face was after the deed was done.

4. Edge & Christian-
When they first were with Gangrel as Brood, I thought that their entrance of coming from underground with the fire and the blood cup were great! When Gangrel left and they started fueding with The Hardy's and The Dudley's, classics were born. These three teams, in my days of watching the WWF, were tag team wrestling at its greatest.

5. The Acolytes-
The Acolytes were the team that resembled physical domination. Farooq and Bradshaw were big, bad, and strong. They would eventually start the APA, which saw them do nothing but drink beer, beat up people and get paid for it. It was great!

6. The Rock and Sock Connection-
The Rock and Mankind were not together long, but when they were, they were extremely funny and extremely entertaining. From Mr. Rocko, the people's elbow with mr. elbow, the jackets and the Rock, this is your life segment, the Rock and Sock connection was epic.

7. New Age Outlaws-
"Oh you didn't know?" is another memorable line from my childhood. I watched Road Dogg Jesse James and Bad Ass Billy Gunn and thought that they were very entertaining. They were overshadowed in D-X by the greatness of Triple H and Shawn, and then by the greatness of Chyna and X-Pac, but they were still great.

8. Harlem Heat-
I didn't watch WCW because I was a huge WWF fan and thought WCW was not as good as WWF, but I watched the Harlem Heat. I remember being about 8 or 9, and watching wrestling with my older cousin who used to flip between WWF and WCW and I caught a glimpse of Harlem Heat. The first thing that caught my attention was the fact that they were black. Me, being black, noticed that there weren't too many black wrestlers, aside from the likes of Ahmed Johnson, The Nation of Domination and a few others. Harlem heat were the champs at the time, so I really began to enjoy watching them wrestle, and win. I always thought Booker was better than Stevie Ray, and I guess I was right.

9. Too Cool-
Just for the simple fact that they danced was enough for me to enjoy this team. And i remember actually learning how to do the worm because of Scotty Too Hotty. They danced with whoever was in the ring at the time, including people who you never thought you'd see dance. It was great, and they weren't that bad in the ring as well.

10. The Rockers-
The only reason why these guys are so low on the list is because they wrestled before I was born, and before I was a wrestling watcher. From 85 to 92, I was -2 to 5 years old so I really have no recollection of them. But between being a huge Shawn Michaels fan, seeing the clip of him kick Marty (who at that time was known to me as "that guy Shawn Michaels kicked and put through a window") and watching Shawn Michaels DVDs, I found this team to be great.

