Who is Dave Loggins dating? Dave Loggins girlfriend, wife

Dave LogginsAmerican Songwriter 00 Who is he dating right now? According to our records, Dave Loggins is possibly single. We have no records of past relationships for Dave Loggins. Dave Loggins is a 76 year old American Songwriter born on 10th November, 1947 in Mountain City, Tennessee, U.S.. His zodiac sign is Scorpio

Dave Loggins

Dave Loggins  American Songwriter


Whois hedating right now?

According to our records, Dave Loggins is possibly single.


We have no records of past relationships for Dave Loggins.


Dave Loggins is a 76 year old American Songwriter born on 10th November, 1947 in Mountain City, Tennessee, U.S.. His zodiac sign is Scorpio


First NameDave
Last NameLoggins
Birthday10th November, 1947
BirthplaceMountain City, Tennessee, U.S.
Zodiac SignScorpio
Occupation TextSinger-songwriter, musician
Music Genre (Text)Pop, country
Instrument (text)Vocals, guitar
Record LabelEpic Records, Vanguard Records

David Allen Loggins (born November 10, 1947) is an American singer, songwriter, and musician.

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