Hogwarts Legacy: How to learn Avada Kedavra

Avada Kedavra is one of the strongest spells in Hogwarts Legacy because of its ability to, well, kill anything in one shot. (Hence why its colloquially referred to as the killing curse.) Due to its strength, Avada Kedavra is a spell that you learn very late in Hogwarts Legacy from one of your companions, Sebastian

Avada Kedavra is one of the strongest spells in Hogwarts Legacy because of its ability to, well, kill anything in one shot. (Hence why it’s colloquially referred to as “the killing curse.”) Due to its strength, Avada Kedavra is a spell that you learn very late in Hogwarts Legacy from one of your companions, Sebastian Sallows. Read on to find out how to get Avada Kedavra and the consequences of learning the unforgivable curse.

How to get Avada Kedavra in Hogwarts Legacy

Avada Kedavra is the last unforgivable curse that you’ll learn from Sebastian Sallows’ relationship quest line. You’ll learn Avada Kedavra during the quest “In the Shadow of the Relic” — Hogwarts Legacy suggests that you’re level 28 before you start it.

To get “In the Shadow of the Relic,” you must have already completed:

  • The relationship quest “In the Shadow of Hope
  • The main story quest “Lodgok’s Loyalty

Towards the end of “In the Shadow of the Relic,” you’ll interact with Sebastian outside of the dungeon, and you’ll be given a prompt during your conversation where you can choose:

  • No one should know that curse.
  • Everyone should know that curse.

Choose the second option, “Everyone should know that curse.”

Then, Sebastian will offer to teach you the killing curse, and you’ll be presented with another choice:

  • Now is not the time.
  • Yes please.

Choose the second option, “Yes please,” to learn Avada Kedavra.

Can you learn Avada Kedavra later?

If you’re having second thoughts on whether or not to learn Avada Kedavra, you can learn it from Sebastian later on if you make the certain story choices.

During Sebastian’s next relationship quest “In the Shadow of Fate,” you’ll be given a choice when talking to Ominis Gaunt:

  • We should turn Sebastian in.
  • We must not turn Sebastian in.

In order to learn Avada Kedavra later, you must choose the second option, “We must not turn Sebastian in.

After choosing the second option and completing Sebastian’s relationship quest line in its entirety, you can meet Sebastian in the Undercroft where he’ll offer to teach you any of the unforgivable curses that you’ve missed.

What are the consequences of using Avada Kedavra in Hogwarts Legacy?

Since there is no morality system in Hogwarts Legacy, you will not be punished for using Avada Kedavra. However, your companions will react whenever you use an unforgivable curse. Some of your companions — such as Natsai, Ominis, and Amit — won’t like it when you use a curse, but it will not impact your relationships or story at all.

